🧩 #5- AI For Humble Humans: What will Google Search in 10 years look like?

PLUS: Visual content is about to go nuts.

👋 Welcome to AI For Humble Humans!

A weekly newsletter decrypting AI in simple (humble humans) words. Thought and conceived by and for non-tech wizards that also happen to be in marketing. You'll find here the minimum you should know and understand about AI, if not for your job - at least to sound so smart at parties 🥳 !!

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(3 min read)

📍THE news that needs your attention

This post from Search Engine Lands blog refers to an interview with Mustafa Suleyman, cofounder of DeepMind (bought by Google in 2014 and which is now officially Google AI Labs).

The short of it: For the pasts 20 years we’ve learned to “speak Google”. Over the next 10 years, we will learn to “Speak to AI”.

“Google will look much different in 2033 - where conversation is the interface rather than the Search box. ChatGPT, the new Bing and Google’s new Search Generative Experience are all huge signals of a major shift in Search.

Nothing will change immediately but in the coming years, these changes could potentiallly upend the way Google - as the dominant search engine - has shaped the web and, as byproduct, SEO and PPC.

We’ve learned to speak Google. Now that’s over. That moment is done and we can now talk to computers in fluent natural language and that is the new interface.

It’s not going to happen overnight. There is going to be a transition. But these kind of succinct, dynamic, personalized, interactive moments are clearly the future”.

Mustafa Suleyman - Co-founder @Google Deepmind.

Sources: Read the full post (and listen to the full interview) (🔗 here).

 🧠 What does that mean for us, humble humans?  

Over the pasts months, I often summarized the major shift AI was bringing in our lives in 1 sentence: The shift from Search to Chat (here).

The next step is happening right now: the shift from SEO to SGE (Search Generative Experience).

During Google I/O we learned that SGE will:

  • Unlock new types of user questions, bringing a much deeper and more personalized experience.

  • Enable anyone to understand a topic deeper, uncovering new viewpoints faster, by providing them with an AI-Powered snapshot of key information to consider.

  • Help us understand the full picture when we’re shopping by providing a snapshot of noteworthy factors to consider.

One of the most significant updates to Search includes integrating a “Perspective” feature highlighting especially long-form videos, images, and posts offering users diverse viewpoints.

SGE is currently being experienced and gradually deployed within the US right now.

The actual experience of SGE seems quite different from what was announced by some beta testers (check Ross Hudgens (🔗 here) and Julia McCoy’s (🔗 here) take on that) but one way or another, and even though Users don’t enjoy SGE so much, Google won’t give up anytime soon (remember Google +… It took 9 years to Google to push the off button).

So. What should you do with that?

Many things.

Getting an “SEO/SGE plan” is certainly one of those (more on that in the next coming issues of this newsletter).

Here is another one: go all in into visual content.

🎯 THE insight from social networks

A mindblowing, meaningful, and fun experiment with AI integrated with Adobe Photoshop.

The short of it: The pasts few weeks in AI news have been pretty busy on that side. And AI Tools for design and visual content creation are booming. Visual content has never been that easy to create. Just go for it 😉.

Sources: Check the full video (🔗 here).

What does that mean for us, humble humans?  

One of the main abilities of AI tools is to enable you to go from text content to pretty much any visual format you might want: Text-to 3D, Character, Image, Slide, Vector, Image, etc.

AI can capture the visuals of lots of brands and spread your ideas in an outstanding visual way:

  • Car brands can be associated with an animal in a stunning way(🔗 here).

  • Gen AI is even now being used to create hyper-customized QRCode by using Stable Diffusion and ControlNET. You can now turn functional QR Codes into beautiful images (🔗 here).

  • Tools like Runway, you can also create in a few minutes mindblowing generative videos (🔗 here).

  • An entire shopping experience can be created in 3D, even for brands like Louis Vuitton… (🔗 here).

Go visual!!

🧩 AI Marketing Corner

Topic: Visual Content (all forms)

🤗 The 1 tactic (from me):

Start with audio (recording your content). Transcript the audio into written content. Turn the written content into 1 visual content format mainly (images, 2D, 3D, videos, etc.). And scale.

🛠 5 AI tools for your marketing:

Besides Runway and Adobe Photoshop integrating AI, here are other tools to help you do that.

  • DragGAN- A photo editor that will let you change outfits, rotate your head, resize a car, or alter your facial expression, without the need to learn a complicated App. Developed by some MIT Students recently and already a big hit. (🔗 Here).

  • Thoth - AI-Powered infographics. Turn any text into 1-page infographics in literally 1 minute (🔗 Here).

  • StockIMG.ai - Stock photos are dead (or at least, should be completely out of your content marketing strategy). But StockIMG ai offers you AI-generated stock images. Worth a try. (🔗 Here).

  • Miro - Your Team’s visual platform. Help you turn your ideas into visual content to share with your team (🔗 Here).

  • Prezi - To create inspiring slides and presentations (🔗 Here).

📝 The 1 Tutorial:

Prompting on mid-journey might seem like a big deal. Apparently, it’s not (🔗 Here). But just in case it’s still … :

This Mid-Journey Paramater Cheat Sheet should be helpful (🔗Here).

🤓 The 1 content worth your reading:

A massive curation post with tons of ressources from a16z mostly for Techies but with a nice paragraph dedicated to Image Generation Model - AI Canon (🔗here).

Whenever you're ready, There are 3 ways I can help you:

  • Since November 2022 I’ve been curating the best content of the web to stay up to date with AI Marketing. I update it daily. Join the waiting list here if you'd like to access this AI Wiki 👉 here.

  • Dig into AI Marketing. Subscribe to my free webinar to get the smartest (and simplest) introduction to AI marketing. 👉 here.

  • Need some clarity and tips on adjusting your content strategy with AI? Let’s jump on an instant AI marketing advice call 👉 here.