• The AI Content Strategist
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  • 🧩 #7- AI For Humble Humans: The AI-generated (garbage) content ocean is coming - and it stinks.

🧩 #7- AI For Humble Humans: The AI-generated (garbage) content ocean is coming - and it stinks.

PLUS: How to stand out with AI Assisted content...

👋 Welcome to AI For Humble Humans!

A weekly newsletter decrypting AI in simple (humble humans) words. Thought and conceived by and for non-tech wizards that also happen to be in marketing. You'll find here the minimum you should know and understand about AI, if not for your job - at least to sound so smart at parties 🥳 !!

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(3 min read)

📍THE news that needs your attention

Actually… 2 pieces of news this week – that you may want to read together.

  • An article from the NYT displaying that the comedian Sarah Silverman has joined a class-action lawsuit against Open AI (and Meta) accusing the companies of training their A.I. models using her writing without her permission.

  • A post from Gizmodo spotted the recent update from Google on its privacy policy to disclose that its AI services (Bard, Cloud AI & others) may be trained on public data that the company has scraped from the web.

The short of it: Generative AI is going to be the center of the largest and longest ongoing copyright trial of the century. And it just getting started…

“Our privacy policy has long been transparent that Google uses publicly available information from the open web to train language models for services like Google Translate. This latest update simply clarifies that newer services like Bard are also included” says Christa Muldoon, Google’s spokesperson”.


This is an unusual clause for a privacy policy.

Typically, these policies describe ways that a business uses the information that you post on the company’s own services.

Here, it seems Google reserves the right to harvest and harness data posted on any part of the public web as if the whole internet is the company’s own AI playground.

Sources: Read the NYT article (🔗 here) and the post from Gizmodo (🔗 here) - and for the pictures (🔗 here) too.

 🧠 What does that mean for us, humble humans?  

  • AI-Generated Garbage Content. Whoever wins the Chat v/s Search war, the internet is becoming saturated by AI-generated content. What will happen when all the next generation of content will be fully made of AI-generated garbage content?

    More and more content is scrapped to expand the level of content and data those bots are trained on. Just as an example, not later than this past week, Open AI partnered with Reuters to train ChatGPT on their data … (🔗 here).

  • Chat is slowly getting over Search. Open AI’s present and future competitors are flourishing: Google’s Bard updated last week, Perplexity.ai, now Anthropic’s Claude, and soon the French Mistral.ai. To name just a few “big ones”.

  • Copyrights lawsuits will multiply like hotcakes. But no matter their number and publicity, they won’t prevent the upcoming wave. And in any case, it will take a lot of time before these proceedings lead to effective regulations.

  • What should you focus on? Creating content to install your topical authority and become known (also) outside of Search engines or even ChatBots.

On your “content creation” TO-DO-LIST:

Focus on insights – not information. Google calls it information gain and even filled a patent on what they named “information gain score” (🔗 here) a concept discovered by Bill Slawski (🔗 here).

Consider content as a commodity so focus on content that will provide your audience with an experience - yours!

Focus your content creation efforts on 1 special type of content that AI can’t compete with you on – at least for now - And just keep reading this to know which one it is 😉.

🎯 THE insight from Linkedin

This video from Rand Fishkin.

The short of it:This is what tons of marketers will need to do: associate their brand with topics and concepts all across the web so that the LLM pick them up and so Search Results include them”.

Sources: Check the full post (🔗 here).

What does that mean for us, humble humans?  

AI-Generated content is not AI-assisted content.

  • AI-generated content will kill “Search Content”: Some types of content will soon not be worth the effort anymore: listicles, ranking, how-to content, etc. Those are easy content for AI to reproduce. Will Wikipedia still exist in a few years…?

  • AI-assisted content can help you create better-quality content: Quality content is your differentiating factor.

  • Topical authority should be your obsession! Forget topical authority for SERPs. Create content to build topical authority on your niche to become known and build trust under your name/your brand’s name.

  • Focus on thought-leadership content.

🧩 AI Marketing Corner

Topic: Thought leadership content

🤗 The 1 tactic (from me):

What are the main features of thought leadership content? It’s a type of content that showcases your unique expertise and perspective through the following elements:

  • Your creativity/ideas (your brain),

  • Your story (owned lived experience),

  • Your personal assumptions, and opinions (analyses the status quo and challenges it in your own way),

    • The personal context you can add to some data in your industry,

  • Your network (adding expert quotes within your content),

1 type of content cumulates all those advantages: Original Research Content focused on market research.

🛠 5 AI tools for your marketing:

Tools to do market research, primary research, and – collect insights:

  • GapScout - Helps you identify gaps in your industry and identify emerging trends by providing you with data mining Reviews from Amazon, Capterra, G2, Trustpilot, and WordPress Plugin Repo. (🔗 Here).

  • OpinioAI – A research platform that uses AI language models to help researchers source relevant insights, data, and opinions through creating a conversation with your personas (that the tool helps you create). They aimed at offering an alternative to costly polls, surveys, and interviews. You can make several tests for free. I tested it. Offers decent results for a very first draft. Not yet at its full potential and should be compared with a thorough use of ChatGPT + with the right prompts. (🔗 Here).

  • Narrative BI A generative analytics platform that automatically turns raw data into actionable narratives. You can connect it with no code to Google Analytics4, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and soon Hubspot. Once connected it generates a feed of personalized data narratives and notifies you about the anomalies and unusual patterns in your data. And you can receive them automatically on Slack… (🔗 Here).

  • Notably – When used for Market Research it helps identify consumer’s underlying needs and preferences. Especially, it helps with conducting focus groups and analyzing group sentiment to determine the viability of a new service or product. Works also for Focus groups, In-depth interviews, survey responses, and competitive analysis. (🔗 Here).

  • Remesh – Helps you organize and lead online focus groups at scale, interact with them through real-time conversation via their platform, and generate automatic reports with all insights and data based on the surveys. It allows you to organize your participants into custom segments anytime before, during, and after a conversation (🔗Here).

📝 The 1 tutorial to understand ChatGPT Code Interpreter

ChatGPT Code Interpreter is THE hottest news of the past few days.

This video wraps up the top 10 things you can do with it and how to do it in less than 13 minutes, including, guess what… the ability to analyze data with just a few clicks AND even make predictions 😉 (🔗 Here).

👩🏻‍🎓The 1 cohort course that is worth your attention (and your $$?)

This Maven Course “Original Research Masterclass for Content Marketers(🔗 here).

A Cohort-based course to learn exactly how to incorporate original research into your marketing strategy (…). Research is a proven tactic to increase traffic, backlinks, social mentions, earned media, and thought leadership.

Amber Erickson.

Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can work together

  • AI Wiki: Since November 2022 I’ve been curating the best content of the web to stay up to date with AI Marketing. I update it daily. Join the waiting list here if you'd like to access click 👉 here.

  • AI Marketing Webinar: Dig into AI Marketing. Subscribe to my free webinar to get your introduction to AI marketing. 👉 here.

  • Micro-consulting call: Need some clarity and tips on adjusting your content strategy with AI? Let’s jump on an instant AI marketing advice call 👉 here.